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Our Services
Oral Motor Therapy
Promote ideal facial growth, airway health, and sleep quality by minimizing oral breathing and tongue thrusting.
Sleep Treatment Navigation
Your path to restful nights and energized days. We investigate the sources of your sleep issues and guide you to effective solutions.
Jaw Surgery Preparation
Set expectations, streamline logistics, and accelerate recovery. Arrive at your procedure with confidence.
Physical Therapy
Improve the way you move from head to toe. Do what you love in life without being limited by pain and stiffness.
If you want to change the way you move, look, feel, and carry yourself, go see Ashley. Going through this process with her has truly changed my life. - Tom M.
To enhance long-term health and well-being by providing efficient and comprehensive sleep consultation, oral motor therapy, and physical therapy. We are dedicated to simplifying the path to wellness for individuals seeking personalized and effective solutions.
Dr. Ashley Sommers, PT, DPT
Dr. Sommers is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and graduate of the University of California, San Francisco. She has trained with the Postural Restoration Institute (PRI), the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT), and has extensive experience managing and treating those with sleep quality complaints and upper and lower airway limitations.