Sleep hygiene is the collection of behaviors and environmental factors that influence your sleep quality.
From Sleep Knowledge to Sleep Practice
The internet is flooded with “tips for good sleep hygiene”. You probably know you should implement a sleep routine, avoid electronics in the evening, and expose yourself to sunlight each morning all to improve your sleep. Finding this information is usually not the problem; knowing which information to trust and how to apply it is the tough part.
Yet, the truly tough part is changing your behavior. Ashley can be your filter and your support system as you make lifestyle changes to improve your sleep quality.
It takes effort to balance your home, work, and social lives all while getting enough sleep. Yet, improving your sleep will improve all areas of your life. You and Ashley will work together on making the changes needed to achieve your goals.
How Sleep Consulting Makes the Process Easier
You don’t know where to start? We’ll note your current sleep hygiene status in relation to your sleep and health goals. From there, we will choose the easiest obtainable behavioral change that will have the most positive impact on your sleep. Examples include incrementally making your bedtime earlier, implementing 10 minutes of daily morning sunlight exposure, or wearing blue-blocking glasses in the evenings. We will work as a team to figure out what makes sense for your goals, and, if you’re up for it, we’ll make massive changes one manageable step at a time.